In this session of Hot Politics Lab, Giuliana Spadaro (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) will give a talk titled “Institutional trust and closeness-based favoritism across 25 societies”.
The talk will be followed by Q&A, and everyone is welcome to join in the Common Room (Roeterseilandcampus Room B9.22) and online through this link.
High-quality institutions are thought to reduce favoritism by mitigating risk of interactions with others outside of one’s own entrusted network. However, recent studies find mixed support for the link between institutional quality and favoritism toward ingroup members. Here, we assessed favoritism based on social closeness and tested whether institutional trust is associated with lower closeness-based favoritism in trust and cooperation. Across two preregistered studies in the US and in 25 societies, we manipulated social closeness in a prisoner’s dilemma. Results suggest that individuals with higher institutional trust show lower closeness-based favoritism. These findings also underline the importance of taking into account individuals’ perceptions as potential drivers underlying favoritism.