Citation | Additional Material |
Rooduijn, Matthijs, Brian Burgoon, Erika van Elsas & Herman van de Werfhorst (2017) Radical Distinction: Support for Radical Left and Radical Right Parties in Europe. European Union Politics 18(4): 536-559. | |
Bakker, B.N., & De Vreese, C.H. (2016). Personality and European Union attitudes: Relationships across European Union attitude dimensions. European Union Politics 17(1): 25-45. | |
Bert Bakker, Matthijs Rooduijn, & Gijs Schumacher (2016). The Psychological Roots of Populist Voting: Evidence from the United States, the Netherlands and Germany. European Journal of Political Research, 55, 2. | |
Bakker, B.N. (2016). Personality traits, income and economic ideology. Political Psychology. | |
Bert Bakker, Robert Klemmensen, Asbjørn Nørgaard & Gijs Schumacher (2016). Stay Loyal or Exit the Party? How Openness to Experience and Extraversion Explain Vote Switching. Political Psychology, 37, 3. | |
Gijs Schumacher & Matthijs Rooduijn (2013). Sympathy for the 'Devil'? Voting for Populists in the 2006 and 2010 Dutch General Elections. Electoral Studies, 32, 1. | |
Bakker, B.N., Hopmann, D.N., & Persson, M. (2015). Personality traits and party identification over time. European Journal of Political Research 54(2), 197-215. |