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The PopuList offers academics and journalists an overview of populist, far-left and far-right parties in Europe from 1989 until 2022. The PopuList includes all European parties from thirty-one countries that can be classified as either populist, far left, or far right and have won at least one seat or at least 2 percent of the vote in national parliamentary elections since 1989. It classifies these parties on the basis of their core ideological attributes. The most recent iteration of the database was launched in 2023 and provides not only a full update on recent elections but also a series of detailed country reports that discuss the rationale for including parties in the list and justify decisions made about borderline cases.
The PopuList collects and updates country-specific information by means of ‘Expert-informed Qualitative Comparative Classification’ (EiQCC). We define EiQCC as an approach through which comparativists initiate and ultimately resolve the assessment of specific political phenomena, cross-validating their results with information provided by country experts. For The PopuList, the team members use a qualitative assessment procedure to systematically classify political parties across limited ideological categories, and cross-validate their classifications and descriptions through an iterative consultation process with country experts.
The PopuList has been supported by the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies, the Department of Politics of the University of York, the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, The Guardian, and the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy, and has been used in numerous publications.