
March 28, 2018

Six Paper Presentations at MPSA

The Hot Politics Lab members will present 6 papers at the Midwest Political Science Association Conference in Chicago (April 5-8).




Experimental Evidence of Loss Aversion Among Swedish Politicians, Gijs Schumacher and Patrik Ohberg

The paper shows that Swedish politicians desire more change in the party’s ideology and strategy when the polls indicate that their party is losing. 

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Ideological Differences in the Negativity Bias? Evidence from Four Replication Studies across Two Political Contexts, Kevin Arceneaux, Bert Bakker and Gijs Schumacher

This paper evaluates the link between the negativity bias and ideology.  


Hot Politics. Physiological Responses to Political Communication, Bert Bakker and Matthijs Rooduijn

This paper analyzes physiological responsiveness to different political messages about immigration, EU, climate and inequality. 

View Slides


Explaining Personalization in Politics. Is it strategy, fashionable or personality driven? Gijs Schumacher & Sander Kunst

The paper analyzes personalization by politicians in Danish and Dutch party congress speeches. Our main conclusion is that personalization is more of personal preference, rather than a time trend.


Liberals Lecture, Conservatives Communicate. A Cross-National, Cross-Temporal Analysis of Linguistic Complexity and Ideology in 381,475 Speeches by EU Politicians, Martijn Schoonvelde, Gijs Schumacher, Bert Bakker and Anna Brosius

The paper shows that progressive politicians (liberals) use more complex rhetoric than conservative politicians, across time and countries.


An Expressive Utility Account of Partisan Cue Receptivity:  Cognitive Resources in the Service of Identity Expression, Ari Malka, Yph Lelkes and Bert Bakker



Gijs Schumacher was awarded with an ERC Starting Grant for his project, POLEMIC. This will be conducted in the Hot Politics Lab.

02. The Mobile Lab

The Dutch National Science Organization awarded us the NWO Medium Investment Grant to build a Mobile Lab for physiological research.

03. Hot Politics @ Lowlands

For three days the Hot Politics Lab measured physiological responses to political propaganda at the Netherlands’ largest music festival- Lowlands.

04. Onderbuik Project

An Evangelical rock festival, a biking event, the largest fair in the Netherlands, the Hot Politics Lab was there to conduct more lab in the field studies.
